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Creating an Abstract for a Term Paper: Five Basic Rules

An abstract is a summary of your paper. It is not your thesis statement, but instead a recap of your entire paper. Hopefully, your paper did prove your thesis statement. If not, you may be in trouble and may have to adjust the thesis statement. Use these five basic rules when composing your composition abstract.


  1. Complete the Paper before you write this part-you have to write your paper before you can do the abstract. After you complete the assigned paper and made all of your changes and proofing, then you can start the piece. You cannot do it before you finish the composition.
  2. Get the Instructions-get an instruction sheet from your teacher. This sheet should say the desire length, the font choices, the spacing, the font size, and the due date. Any other important needs should be included on the teacher’s direct sheet. If you have any unanswered questions, make sure to ask the teacher before you begin the process.
  3. Keep it Short-the teacher will give you a length requirement. Do not go over the maximum length. It is best to keep in mind that you are not rewriting the paper in different words; you are summarizing the paper. Many students get carried away and include details that are just too specific for the abstract. Keep it short.
  4. Answer Questions Concerning Your Purpose-teachers may ask you to answer questions in the piece. Some questions may be the impact, method, process, tools, time period, and data used in your essay. Check off the questions as you answer them and ensure that all of them are completely and clearly answered in the piece.
  5. Explain the Process Used and the Results-the process you used in which to prove your thesis statement is very important. You must include this process within the abstract in order it to be considered complete by your teacher. This is the most important component of it.

As you get ready to write this part of the paper, make sure you follow all of our five basic tips and rules. Remember, this section is different than your thesis statement. Do not confuse the two items. You should complete the paper first, get the teacher instructions and directions, keep it short, answer questions concerning your purpose, and explain the process and results achieved.

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