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How To Write Term Paper Footnotes: Tips & Tricks

Are you worried because you want to complete an effective term paper for school? Do you need someone to guide you in writing a certain section of your paper because it is new for you? Do you think it is hard to distinguish between footnotes and endnotes in your paper? Do you need someone to guide you in using the right format for your footnotes? Do you know what footnotes are and what is their purpose in the paper? Do you want to stick to the instructions by your teacher and impress them with a winning assignment? Do you want to stand out from the rest of the class by creating a pixel perfect paper?

  1. The first thing you need to understand is the definition or purpose of a footnote. A footnote helps the readers identify the source of the data and the writer to keep track of the citations. It encourages future researchers to find where you got certain information from and if it is authenticated. The major difference between a footnote and an endnote is that footnotes appear on the same page where you are writing at the bottom while endnotes appear at the end of your term paper in a separate sheet after the bibliography
  2. One important thing to note here is that different formats have different styles for footnotes. If you are following the APA style then you will have different arrangement and style guides for footnotes then MLA or Chicago. It is important for you to follow the style specified by your professor if you want to impress them or score a good grade in your paper.
  3. When you are using a name of the source for more than once in your paper then you may go ahead and use the short form. For example if you use the information from the same source in two different footnotes then you can use the short form instead of writing the complete name of the source again
  4. It is best to make a list of all the data you use from other sources in your paper on a notepad or a card. This helps you keep track of the information and cite it easily in your assignment
  5. Use clear fonts style and size to write the footnotes so it is easily readable for your audience

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