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Finding Controversial Health Topics for a Research Paper

In order to find controversial health topics about which to write, one need only to resort the media. Broadcasts are going out on a daily basis regarding:


Obesity is so controversial, that the issue has been taken up by the First Lady of the United States. She has cited children as the most vulnerable victims. Children are being fed more fast food, more processed food, they engage in much less exercise, and they spend an incessant amount of time in from of the television set and playing video games. The sedentary lifestyle, contributes much to a formerly unknown incidence of obesity in children. Obesity in our children is merely evidence of the extreme excess that manifests in American Culture as it occurs in our daily lifestyle choices.


Closely related to obesity. There is competition in the food industry. The health food adherents insist on whole and natural foods and products; even some specialty products, which are germane to The Health Food Industry.  Those who eat with mainstream America, insist on the availability of meats and starches. They patronize fast food establishments and fill the children, and themselves with junk food.

The Ebola Epidemic

The headlines are full of Ebola epidemic. Officials in West Africa, including the World Health Organization are anticipating the spread of the Ebola Virus to reach 20,000 people. Because of lack of available medical supplies and resources, the spread of the disease has been confirmed as a threat to more than four countries. A few confirmed cases have reached the United States. Some of these have been returned home with no further incidence of the illness. Over 1,550 have died from the illness after 3,069 persons have contracted the illness.

HIV-The Aids Virus

There were47,500 new cases of HIV in the year 2010, according to the last Census. The level has gone down since 2007 when there was a rate of 53,200. Third World people, and homosexual people appear to be those groups who are most at risk for HIV-Aids in our population. The group with the highest incidence of HIV remains homosexual males, Caucasian homosexual males, being in the lead.

All of these issues are controversial. When set to the debate, they spark much discussion. The discussion about what the optimal diet is for both adults and children, rages on. Veganism is a popular new approach to diet and nutrition, while the meat industry continues to be strong in the United States. As for the Ebola and HIV-Aids Viruses, not only should every precaution be taken, but continued study of the media would be deemed necessary to stay a briefed of these issues and others.

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