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Coming up with Powerful Topics for Research Papers in English

So your English teacher assigns a six page research paper and you know that the first step in writing your paper is to come up with a solid and powerful topic to write about. Having written your share of research papers in the past, you know that if you have a powerful subject to write about, the rest becomes a lot easier. You have been struggling to come up with that powerful topic and you have searched far and wide and still can’t think of the perfect one.

For an English research paper, you would want to choose a literature topic for the most part. Unless your teacher tells you different, it will be best to choose a topic on a piece of literature or the literature differences in different countries.

General topics that you can use for your research paper:

All of these are great topics to write about. But how do you make the topic powerful? A powerful topic will appeal to the largest number of readers. It will be a topic that a lot of people will gain from reading about.

Some quick tips for choosing your topic:

Choose a topic that has enough information that you can access to write a paper that meets the length requirements. Your topic should also be specific enough that you can draw a solid conclusion about the topic. It should be interesting and fun for you so that you will put your best into the paper. You should also consider choosing a topic that is not really popular or overdone. If three other students are writing about the same topic, you can have an unfair advantage. It is hard to compare your essay to someone else’s that is about another topic. You may be judged unfairly because the other classmates did a better job writing about the topic. This is something that you want to avoid. It’s easier to compare apples to apples than apples to oranges.

Take some serious time when you are determining what topic to write about. It is not a decision that you should take lightly because it could affect the outcome of your paper.

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